GWC S3 BlobStore plugin¶
This plugin supports the use of the AWS Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as storage medium for Tile Caching.
Installing the S3 BlobStore plugin¶
Download the extension from the nightly GeoServer community module builds.
Make sure to match the version of the extension to the version of the GeoServer instance!
Extract the contents of the archive into the
directory of the GeoServer installation.
Configuring the S3 BlobStore plugin¶
Once the plugin has been installed, one or more S3 BlobStores may be configured through BlobStores. Afterwards, cached layers can be explicitely assigned to it or one blobstore could be marked as ‘default’ to use it for all unassigned layers.

The name of the AWS S3 bucket where the tiles are stored.
AWS Access Key¶
The AWS Access Key ID.
AWS Secret Key¶
AWS Secret Access Key.
S3 Object Key Prefix¶
A prefix path to use as the root to store tiles under the bucket (optional).
Maximum Connections¶
The maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections.
When enabled, a HTTPS connection will be used. When disabled, a regular HTTP connection will be used.
Proxy Domain¶
A Windows domain name for configuring NTLM proxy support (optional).
Proxy Workstation¶
A Windows workstation name for configuring NTLM proxy support (optional).
Proxy Host¶
Proxy host the client will connect through (optional).
Proxy Port¶
Proxy port the client will connect through (optional).
Proxy Username¶
User name the client will use if connecting through a proxy (optional).
Proxy Password¶
Password the client will use if connecting through a proxy (optional).
Use Gzip¶
When enabled, the stored tiles will be GZIP compressed.